What is the biggest advantage of XR training technology?

  • DE-RISKING: For many, the opportunity to train users in a wholly-realistic, scientifically sound virtual environment with millimeter-precise recreations of complex and expensive equipment is priceless.  XR eliminates otherwise unavoidable risks inherent to certain training exercises and better prepares early-career operators for error-intolerant endeavors (like operating a 30 story crane or flying a helicopter, for example). 

  • Cost Reduction: Many of our clients have traditionally allocated significant expense to renting heavy or complex equipment for training purposes, or incurred significant cost by removing such equipment from productive use.  These clients often find that creating XR training content is far more efficient than continuing to incur such costs.  This is because our training software requires little maintenance and remains accessible by generations of trainees, representing a single predictable cost, rather than a recurring expense. 

  • Sustainability:  Many clients prioritize the opportunity to train in a truly sustainable environment.  Compared to real-world alternatives, XR training presents a near-zero carbon footprint. 

  • Engagement & Retention: TRC's calling card is our ability to elevate XR content beyond role simulation, and into the realm of truly engaging content.  Our software pulls users in and leaves them wanting more.  By incorporating gamification concepts into our software, TRC enables users to experience elevated levels of skill/knowledge retention and increased desire for repeat engagement.  

  • Expansion:  Many of TRC's training solutions are capable of expansion to include additional depth or breadth of training.  Whereas many training solutions require a complete retooling to incorporate updated technology or machinery, TRC's virtual solutions are capable of quick and cost-efficient updates akin to the latest DLC (downloadable content).


Does Top Right Corner sell or license its software?

TRC offers solutions that are tailored to our client's needs, and therefore our client relationships take many forms.  However, TRC often creates software that incorporates front-end portals that clients effectively own and can access in perpetuity.  Our clients often find that the ability to own and expand these digital content solutions provides vast long-term cost savings.


Does Top Right Corner offer hardware and software solutions?

TRC has relationships with the XR's industries most advanced and innovative hardware providers.  We often work in close collaboration with these companies as project leads, or as software development specialists.  We are happy to work hand-in-hand with existing teams to ensure that clients obtain the best-fit solution, whether that is maximizing the potential of existing hardware or introducing clients to the capabilities of next-generation hardware solutions.


Does Top Right Corner offer white label solutions?

Top Right Corner is open to collaboration. Please contact us for further details.


Is Top Right Corner qualified to do business with the Government as a small business?

Top Right Corner is a 100% U.S. owned small business entity, qualified to do business with the U.S. Government and each service branch of the U.S. Military.


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